Bullies Mock Her Appearance For 34 Years So She Spends $50K To Look Like Melania Trump

Claudia Sierra endured years of verbal abuse at the hands of bullies. In fact, she claims "their horrific treatment affected me up to 42 years of age."

From the size of her nose to her hairstyle, Claudia's classmates teased and taunted her about her appearance. As a little girl, she'd put scotch-tape on the tip of her nose to her forehead just to change her face altogether.

When she turned 40, Claudia — a mother of two from Texas — was diagnosed with breast cancer. This drained her emotionally, and she gained weight, which left her feeling worse about herself than ever before.

Then, when Claudia went on her first date after beating cancer, the man asked to see her driver's license. As he studied her birthdate, he told Claudia she looked a lot older than 41.

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That was the last straw. Feeling frumpy and unattractive, Claudia's idol, Melania Trump, popped into her head. To Claudia, Melania is a "strong, powerful, and glamorous woman" who has also endured many hardships.

So, Claudia sought the help of a plastic surgeon. She began to undergo all sorts of elective surgeries and procedures to look as much like the first lady as possible. The process included a breast augmentation, liposuction, and Brazilian buttlift. She also got dental work, extensions, and a spray tan, hired a personal trainer, and changed the color of her contacts.

This story first appeared on LittleThings in October 2017.

After all was said and done, Claudia's full transformation cost her $50,000. In return, she says she finally feels beautiful both inside and out. She even says she feels "reborn."

Check out Claudia's surprising before and after photos in the video, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!