
Who knew that a honeybee could "bee" so beautiful? These stunning photographs taken by insect lover, Alex Wild, may change the way you look at so-called creepy crawlies.
Alex Wild's work has been featured in commercials, on billboards, on YouTube, and company logos, and stickers…and by the Smithsonian, the Cleveland Zoo and the Discovery Channel.
Please SHARE Alex Wild's incredible work with everyone you know, so that they can appreciate the beauty of these insects!
Worker bee covered in pollen.

Leaf-cutting ant.

Phiddipus audax jumping spider.

Six spotted tiger beetle.

Ants tagged with paint in a laboratory.

Big dipper firefly at dusk.

Mutated fruit fly.

Desert leaf-cutting ants flying.

Aphantochilus rogersi mimics its prey.

Carpenter bee defending his territory.

Driver soldier ant.

Ant-decapitating fly moves over her target.

Ant researcher Jack Longino holds a male Dorylus driver ant.

Egg-parasitioid wasp lays into a Caligo owl butterfly egg.

Fire ant.

Please SHARE these stunning photographs of insects!