Shetland Service Dog Teaches Baby How To Roll Over

There are so many milestones in the life of a baby.

There's the first steps, the first tooth, the first word… So many firsts!

But before all of those first moments, there's another moment that's extra special in a baby's life — rolling over!

Holland is an adorable 2-month-old baby who has an adorable furry sibling, a Shetland service dog named Link.

It's hard to figure out who is cuter, the pup or the baby!

You have to watch the video and see how sweet the two of them bond together.

Link and Holland are both on the floor, wriggling around, when Link decides it's time for a little lesson with Holland.

Link rolls over on the floor slowly, trying to show little Holland how it's done.

When Holland tries to do the same? It's cuteness overload!

All I know is that whenever you mix babies with puppies, the result is ALWAYS something sweet, heartwarming, and too cute for words!

If you love this adorable duo, make sure you SHARE this video with everyone you know!