![HP homeless](https://littlethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/HP-homeless.jpg)
It's graduation season and we can't help but get a little teary-eyed seeing all these students go off into the world to follow their chosen paths. It's a big moment for parents and young adults alike, but sometimes, for reasons more than we know. Not every college graduate is in their early twenties, as we tend to think. Many are older individuals, who only had the opportunity to earn their degree in their later years.
Such an individual is 52-year-old Stephen Maxey. Up until six years ago, he was a homeless drifter from Texas with a drug addiction. He wandered the streets all the way up to California and stayed in a shelter where he was alone with no one to help him overcome his addiction.
One day, on an impulse, he wandered straight into a college office to seek help. That's when he met academic advisor Amir Falahi at the University of California at Merced, who immediately signed him up for classes. Stephen was thrown into a whole new life and with the help of advisors, financial aid, and student loans, strived to better his life.
Now, six years later, Stephen has graduated from the college with a degree in psychology! Watch the clip to see Stephen on his journey from homeless drug addict to college graduate.
Please SHARE to congratulate Stephen on his accomplishments, and if his story drives you to pursue your interests and to further your education in any way!