Getting engaged to your best friend is one of the happiest occasions in life. Of course you're going to want to memorialize the event with some photos that you can both look back on when you're older.
This couple did just that, but with a funny twist.
Instead of getting dolled up and looking their absolute best for the pictures, this couple decided to don outdated eyewear, hairstyles, clothing, and even facial hair. Why? Just for the fun of it.
You can tell that these two are going to share an amazing life together, full of laughter and lightheartedness. Surely this couple is encouraging, supportive, and full of goofs.
Would you ever do anything crazy like this for your engagement photos, or to commemorate an equally monumental moment in your life?
Please SHARE this funny couple's engagement pictures with your family and friends on Facebook — maybe they could use a reminder that not everything has to be so serious.
Would you look at those glasses?

That pantsuit is really something, too.

This background is a '90s dream.

The awkward prom pose rings true to all formerly awkward teens.

And the pantsuit is back!

Oh good, a unicorn joined the party. That's what all engagement photos are missing, after all.

This is what the couple looks like on a normal day, by the way.

A very handsome couple, indeed.

Would you ever do anything this silly with the one you love the most? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!