Man Yells At Noisy Construction Team Every Day, So They Show Up To His House With A Surprise Gift

It isn't the melodic chirping of birds or the gentle toll of church bells that has Rich Nowakowski waking up with a smile lately. It's the sound of a sledge hammer.

Over the past two months, his Wisconsin neighborhood has been filled with the sharp buzzes and loud clangs from a construction site.  While most people's days would be ruined by the thunderous noises tearing through their once peaceful neighborhood, Rich welcomes it with a grin.

But Rich didn't just watch the construction crew work.

Each morning, he would shout a friendly "hello" in his thick Wisconsin accent, then throw out compliments on their work throughout the day.

“This guy was just something different – something special," explains Gary Aide, foreman at Benoy Masonry. "He’s just happy all the time. Always in a good mood.”

Rich's positive energy was a breath of fresh air for the crew, but despite his jolly demeanor, life isn't easy for the social butterfly. After happily dedicating 33 years of his life as a mailman, he was forced to retire after he had a stroke 12 years ago that left him struggling to formulate words.

Though his condition may have limited how much he talks, it hasn't stopped him from touching the lives of others. In fact, the crew was so touched by Rich's daily welcome that they wanted to bring the holiday cheer to his home early.

With the crew gathered in his front yard, Gary handed Rich a plain white envelope.

Watch the video below as Rich tears through the paper. He begins shouting like his favorite team just scored a touchdown! In his hands is a pair of tickets to a Packers game, with some extra cash to spend at the game.

It's incredible to see the impact that one person can have on so many lives, just by smiling. If Rich's story put a smile on your face, be sure to SHARE it with your friends.