This intimate gender reveal celebration starts with a quick prayer to calm Mom’s nerves. Mom was pretty emotional before even opening the gift-wrapped box, due to losing her second son to trisomy when he was only 18 months old.
Mom's emotional anticipation reminded of the reaction this tattooed Dad had when he found out he was having a boy.
After they hold hands and her husband recites a beautiful prayer, the excited parents proceed to opening up the box between the both of them.
When they slowly open the top, blue balloons fly out, and Mom and Dad couldn’t be happier.
“Looks Like we won!” Dad says to the son he’s holding in his right arm.
Little do they know that the box they opened actually holds the wrong information. Two weeks after revealing the gender of their baby to the family, they found out the baby was actually a girl!
Regardless of the gender, any baby news is exciting news.
This pair genuinely looks like great parents, and being able to be a part of their baby reveal through the internet was really beautiful.
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