Mom Brings Son Home From Day Care, Finds Message About Diapers Scrawled Across Stomach

Heather Chisum is a 23-year-old single mother with a full-time job and two young kids. Every day when she picks her 1-year-old son up from day care, he comes home with a daily report in his lunch box.

These written reports keep Heather updated on Milo's mood that day, when they changed his diaper, and if the staff needs her to pick up any new wipes or supplies.

According to Fox 8, "She wrote that she may have missed a note about Milo's diaper supply in a recent report, but said the staff at the school said nothing about diapers when she picked Milo up."

After bringing Milo home one day, she went to change his diaper and saw it: a handwritten message scrawled in permanent marker across Milo's belly.

"Mom I'm out of diapers pls read my report" was written in big black letters.

Heather was outraged. She said she tried scrubbing the ink off Milo's torso, but it remained even after a few washes — forcing her to go so far as to cancel a beach trip.

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But Heather decided to fire back on social media … and the school has since taken swift action.