Naval Petty Officer, 1st Class, Generald Wilson has one of those rare and powerful voices that only comes along every once in a long while. His raw talent along with the absolute control over his voice make him one of the most entertaining singers we've ever seen perform. Singing our national anthem on Fox News, this man shows off exactly why he has so many fans!
So it should come as no surprise that hundreds of people have come together to form an official petition demanding that the NFL hires this talented man to be the official singer for the 2016 Super Bowl!
With his booming voice brilliantly hitting the stunning low notes, teamed up with his amazing ability to hit the angelic high notes, this man left everyone speechless when he hits and maintains that clear tone at the 1:25 mark of this incredibly difficult song.
Wilson, a proud patriot and man of considerable faith, is the obvious choice to sing our nation's anthem. Not only is he a brilliant singer, but he'll manage to remember all the lyrics, and there's just something so American about seeing a sailor in full uniform belting out America's song!
We know that this St. Louis native can keep a cool head in front of a stadium of thousands, so let's do our best to make sure that he gets the opportunity he deserves to sing in front of the whole nation!
Please SHARE his incredible voice if you think Wilson should sing at Super Bowl 50!
God bless America… Watch as Ret. Naval Petty Officer, 1st Class, Generald Wilson performs the National Anthem.
Posted by Fox News on Monday, December 21, 2015