A good photo requires a lot of talent. But for a great photo, you need talent and a little bit of luck!
Fortunately for Mike Karas, a Hawaii-based photographer, luck was on his side during a sunset visit to the iconic Yosemite National Park.
He was capturing photos of the gorgeous sunset over one of Yosemite’s many ravines, when he noticed two figures silhouetted on the edge of the cliff, a bride and groom.
Caught in the moment and the magic light, he couldn’t help but capture one perfect snap of the couple on the cliff, much like the photographer who shot this similarly sweet snap of a gaggle of four-legged wedding crashers.
But Karas was all the way across the ravine and never got a chance to identify the mystery duo in the perfect wedding pictures.
Still, he couldn’t let the couple miss out on such an exquisite memory of their special day, so he took to the internet to find them.
Scroll through the gallery below to figure out how he finally tracked them down!

Last week, photographer Mike Karas took to Instagram to post a swoon-worthy picture he snapped while visiting Yosemite National Park.
The picture, of a bride and groom sharing a tender moment on one of the park's iconic cliffs, is an instant classic, complete with a rainbow gradient of sunset colors, and picture-perfect silhouettes.
The only problem? Karas had no idea who either of them were!

He took to the internet, posting his picture along with a plea to friends on social media: If anyone knew the couple, please let him know so he could share the picture!
In just four days, an answer surfaced.
The couple in the picture had seen the hubbub around the photo, and decided to keep quiet.

It's not that they didn't love the photo — they were delighted!
But Catherine Mack and Rick Donald had to play their cards close to the vest.
The Australian couple had disappeared to get married very quietly, and not everyone knew about the marriage yet.

When they decided to have their wedding far from home, they wanted to make sure they showed their parents the pictures first.
They also were in a position where it was best to keep things a bit quiet at first, because both are rather famous in their native Australia.
The couple are both actors, and are recognized around the country for their television roles, so they were interested in making their wedding a low-key affair.

They hired a wedding photographer and videographer for the occasion, Taylor McCutchen and Derek Copenhaver.
The professionals shot most of the images to memorialize Catherine and Rick's wedding, including this gorgeous shot of Catherine dancing in her wedding dress.
Still, they were more than happy to help Mike Karas when the three realized that he accidentally made a small addition to the wedding album.

Through the photographer and videographer, Karas was eventually able to track down the happy couple.
With their blessing, he was back on Instagram on September 7, to share the second photo he snapped from across the ravine.
In this one, Catherine and Rick appear to be dancing!
If you love this beautiful story of the determined photographer that tracked down Cinderella and Prince Charming, make sure to SHARE with friends and family!