The process of picking a baby name can be super dramatic, even if it's just between the two people who are parenting the child. When I was pregnant, my husband and I went through many, many rounds when it came to naming our child. In fact, the night before I unexpectedly went into preterm labor, we were up for hours going through a million baby boy names and disagreeing on every single one. Fun story!
In a not-so-fun story, one family is now totally divided because of the name of a baby. Or, well, the possible name — if it's a boy, then all the drama is for naught.
According to one mom, her sister is pregnant with her second child. Great, right? Except that her sister has also announced her baby name choices. The boy name is Jaxon Henry, and the girl name is Emersyn Ivy.
The mom explains that there's already a funny bit of overlap with the names that everyone is OK with. "Ivy is a family name on our side. It's my two-year-old daughter's middle name, as it honours my mother's nickname. I am fine with her using it, as in my opinion family names are fair game. Henry is a family name on his side. Coincidentally, it is also a name on my husband's side – and it is going to be my son's (due in April) middle name. That's also cool, as well as being weird that it's such a strong name for both our husbands."

However … things go on to get more complicated. She continues:
“However, my issue lies with Emersyn. Emersyn is my seven-year-old daughter’s full name. It was a way of honouring my husband’s late mother as Emersyn was her maiden name. Although my daughter has gone by the shortened form Emily since she was about two, we love her full name, and the meaning it holds for us, especially my husband.”
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So that we're all on the same page: The baby name in question, Emersyn, was a personal choice the mom and her husband made to honor his mom. So the mom brought up the issue with her sister:
“My sister knows how sentimental this name was for us, but believes that she has right to the name as my daughter primarily uses the nickname. I believe non-family names (Emersyn isn’t a family name for her) and first names are a no-go. Besides, in my sister’s words, ‘It’s sooooo cute, and E names are my favourite for girls.’ I approached her about this and she started crying and said I was ruining her dream.”

The issue has totally divided the mom's family. She says that their dad is on her side and agrees that the name is personal to her husband's family. He also understands that it would be kind of weird for two grandchildren to have the same name. And I get that: If one of my siblings named their child the name my son has, I'd be super annoyed.

She also says that their other sister agrees that it's weird and is "also mad because she knows how much the name means to me."
But unfortunately, her mom is siding with the sister who wants to use the name: "My mother is siding with my sister, as 'it's only fair that she can use the name she loves, besides when we think of your daughter, we think Emily, not Emersyn.'"

The sisters in question are currently not speaking, and the original mom isn't even sure if she has a right to be mad. She says:
“My last words to her are ‘Change your child’s name, or else I won’t use it around her.’ My father, husband and sister agree that if their child is a girl, we will address her by her middle name only. My mother has been calling me up, telling me that my sister is crying and I am being so mean, ruining her pregnancy etc.”

To make matters even more intense, the mom who originally used the baby name is pregnant, too — with triplets! So she definitely doesn't need this added drama.
There are so many other "E" names for girls: It's weird that the second sister can't just think of another one and is intent on using a name that means so much to her brother-in-law.

Assuming the sister has a daughter, the issue is probably going to blow up even more. Commenters on Reddit were quick to point out that this is definitely all really weird. As one commenter put it, "She would share a first name with OP's [original poster's] older daughter and middle name with OP's younger daughter, but it's still really weird."

Another commenter said that she would definitely go petty if this were her family:
“I would choose to revel in it and be super faux sincere and petty…
“FB post Here is Emersyn meeting her little [niece] Emersyn for the first time’
“At family gathering ‘Emersyn, no no darling I mean the first Emersyn’
“FB post ‘MIL is never far from our hearts and minds, naming our child Emersyn after her was just a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady and now my sister has chosen to also name her daughter after my MIL, what a wonderful woman who reached so many people #blessed.'”

Another person said that they share a name with their cousin, but everyone was totally OK with it, and the parents even asked for permission — which does not seem to be the case here:
“I share a name with my second cousin. It’s an unusual name, and we’re 9 years apart. However, my mom always told me she asked her cousin for permission to use the name and her cousin said yes. For me that’s the difference here. Sharing a name can be something really cool and beautiful (I always looked up to my cousin and feel I share a special bond with her! even if it does get confusing at family reunions lol) but you have to ask for permission for this kind of thing. The fact that the sister picked it ahead of time without asking for permission is a huge [expletive] move.”

Ultimately, most people seem to think that the second sister is the one who needs to change her baby name:
“If it were a family name for your family I could understand but who would want to name their child the same as a first cousin? You obviously see each other a bit and it will just be weird. But hey George Forman named a bunch of his kids George. Any chance she will swap the first and middle? Would you be ok with that?”

And also that the sisters need to make up and get over it:
“I understand that she is peeved but she’s willing to stop speaking to her sister over that? And she already plans to take it out on an innocent child by refusing to address her by her name AND rallying her other family member to that cause? How petty. Talk about overreacting. Asking her to pick something else was fine and it would have been nice of her to do. Dictating what she can call her child is overstepping.”

Ultimately, if the second sister had been a little more adult about this, they might have been able to make it work. One commenter noted:
“While the circumstances of the situation might make you seem like TA to an outside perspective (trying to “dictate what someone names their child”), your sister’s behavior and the way she handled this change the situation a lot.”
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.