Gymnastics Instructor’s Obsession With Troll Dolls Threatens Relationship With Her Family

Many people have infatuations or hobbies. These things can either be a certain type of pattern they always wear, an object they always buy, or even a type of clothing they love. There are people out there, though, who allow their obsessions to take over their lives.

TLC shared a video from its show My Crazy Obsession that features Michelle Kerrins, a 38-year-old gymnastics instructor who is obsessed with troll dolls. She has a collection of 3,000 trolls that has taken over every corner and shelf of her house.

While they are in her house filming, Michelle explains, “They’re in all my crevices. They’re in the cabinets, you open drawers and they’re in there, they just get everywhere.” They are indeed everywhere!

When she opens her cabinet door for a drinking glass, there is a troll, and when she opens a drawer, there are two trolls under her towels. Shortly after she shows viewers the trolls in the cabinets and drawers, she puts one in her freezer!

TLC interviews her daughter, Delaney Kerrins, who says, “My mom is crazy obsessed with troll dolls. She’s been collecting troll dolls before I was born, it’s kind of everywhere.”

Michelle claims that her trolls like to see her and know that she is there. I would be afraid of them always watching me, but Michelle seems to prefer being watched!

Michelle’s husband, Dean Kerrins, claims that Michelle’s morning routine starts off with her getting on her computer and scrolling online looking for more trolls. She searches for trolls online for around three hours a day.

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Michelle even has a troll room. This room has shelves on each wall filled with trolls. There are even trolls filling the floor. She spends at least an hour in her troll room a day. Michelle claims that her troll room is her sanctuary and compares it to a security blanket.

Seeing their eyes staring at her gives her comfort. It makes her happy that they are all there looking at her and needing her to take care of them. Michelle claims to love the odd things in life! She is definitely on the right track!

To view Michelle’s whole story, click the video!