Everyone has a favorite color. Some colors just speak more powerfully and louder than others do for certain people. Some colors are cheery and upbeat, like a bright canary yellow. Others are intense and simultaneously deeply calming, like the rich cobalt blue.
But for many, there is one color that seems to stand out among the rest, and that, of course, is pink.
Vintage items, specifically from the 1950s and '60s, tend to appear in a dusty pink quite often, and it's oh so lovely — just take a look at this very pink Victorian house.
That special shade of powder pink, bubblegum pink, cotton candy pink — whichever you prefer to call it — really makes you feel something inside. It's such a happy color, but you can also sink deep into it when you pick up on the gray tones underneath.
These 11 vintage pink items will make any pink-loving vintage collector's mouth water. They're all so lovely!
Is pink your favorite color? Which of these vintage things do you like best? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!
1. Enamel Teapot

The enamel might be wearing away, but this vintage pink teapot would be absolutely perfect to pour some rosebud tea, don't you think?
2. Perfect Kitchen

Holy pink cannoli, can you imagine a full kitchen outfitted with this absolutely irresistible vintage cabinetry? I'd never use another room!
3. Whimsical Wagon

Honestly, is there any better color for a 1960s Volkswagen bus? I think not.
4. Egg Beater Beauty

Scrambled eggs would taste so much better if I knew they were beaten by this beauty.
5. Blush Sofa

Well, I might leave that pink kitchen if only I could then move to a living room containing this blush beauty of a couch.
6. Powdery Kitchen Canisters

I wish I could have these on my kitchen counter — what a cheery and timeless little set!
7. Pink Iron

Imagine sipping that rosebud tea from pink teacups while sitting in these vintage pink patio chairs. Now that's the life.
8. Pink Cadillac

Celebrities fell in love with this 1957 DeVille, and it's quite possibly one of the most recognizable models. It is pure perfection in this shade of pink.
9. Hint-Of-Pink China

From the top, they almost look clear. But when you look from the side, this lovely vintage china set is just the perfect pink for any kitchen.
10. Cute Cookie Jar

As if cookies weren't already hard enough to resist, someone back in the day had to go and create this cookie jar, making it impossible to say no.
11. 1950s Cocktail Dress

This little lacy number really brings you back, doesn't it?
Which is your favorite? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!