7 Easy Ways To Make Stretched-Out Pores Look Smaller

Women have been trying to shrink the size of their pores for as long as I can remember.

However, is it even possible to "shrink" them?

Back in 2012, Dr. Debra Jaliman, a dermatologist, told The Huffington Post that products with retinol, a derivative of vitamin A and a well-known acne fighter, can make pores appear smaller.

The conclusion of the interview was that while it may be possible to physically shrink a pore with acne medications or laser treatments, simple home remedies won't do the trick.

What is possible, though, is to make pores appear smaller with the help of some trusted home remedies.

There are thousands of old wives' tales out there about how to better the appearance of large pores. Out of those, these seven seem to be the most universal and the most effective.

While there's no magic trick to eliminating pores from your face entirely, these remedies will help make their appearance more seamless and have you feeling like your most beautiful and confident self again.

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What Are Pores?

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Pores are tiny holes in the skin that are part of the natural appearance of the face.

Pores are a necessary part of your body, as they allow the skin to take in oxygen while also releasing sweat and toxins.

They aren't anything to be medically concerned about, but they can appear unsightly when they become enlarged.

Step #1: Wash Your Face

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

A great way to keep the skin from becoming too oily, and thus enlarging those pores, is to develop a regular washing regimen.

Be careful, though, as washing too much can dry your skin out and trick your body into producing more oils to make up for it, thus clogging your pores.

Wash your skin to get rid of dirt and oil, but be sure to moisturize to keep skin supple and healthy.

Step #2: Don't Forget About SPF

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the sun and pore size. Many people believe that because the sun dries out the skin, it will help reduce pore size by lessening the amount of oils in the face.

In reality, sun exposure thickens the skin, which makes pores take on a larger appearance. A good, oil-free sunblock will allow you to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays without introducing unwanted oils.

Step #3: Exfoliate Regularly

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

A good exfoliant clears your skin of dead cells, which clog your skin and make your pores appear larger.

So, treat yourself to an exfoliant mask from time to time or use an exfoliating face scrub. As always, though, everything in moderation, as exfoliating more than once or twice a week can irritate and inflame skin.

Step #4: Keep An Eye On Your Makeup

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Most of the pore-shrinking PSAs out there seem to revolve around avoiding introducing dirt to the face. After many uses, your makeup brushes will be teeming with extra skin, dirt, and bacteria. A quick wash every few weeks can do wonders for enlarged pores.

You should also pay attention to what kind of makeup you use. Anything on your skin can clog pores, but makeup marked "noncomedogenic" is less likely to block and enlarge pores.

Step #5: Stop Picking At Your Skin

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

It can be so tempting to fuss and pick at every little blemish on your face, but the more you touch your face, the more dirt and bacteria you introduce to the area.

When dirt clogs the pore, it will appear larger.

Too much picking can also damage the pores and cause scarring.

Step #6: Get Your H20 On

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

It comes as no surprise that drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

After all, your body is made up mostly of water! As it turns out, though, hydration is particularly helpful for skin care because it reduces the accumulation of toxins on the skin.

It also helps to moisturize your skin from the inside out, keeping it happy and healthy!

Step #7: See A Doctor

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

As always, if skin problems persist, see a dermatologist.

Sometimes, there are underlying issues that cause the pores to change appearance. The best thing to do is see a medical professional to address the problem.

Dermatologists can also help you come up with a specialized skin care routine for your specific skin type.

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