12 Times Folks Were Left Completely Baffled By Their Neighbors

Have you ever had a mysterious neighbor you just couldn't figure out? Do you wonder what could possibly be going inside the home next door?

Based on what your neighbors do in plain sight, sometimes you just can't help but imagine the crazy goings-on behind closed doors.

These 12 neighbors all did things that totally perplexed the person living in the house next door or across the street. As long as no one gets hurt, it can be pretty funny to laugh at the shenanigans that go on in a neighborhood.

What's the craziest thing that your neighbor has ever done? Has it been as wacky as the stories below?

It's people like this that make life truly interesting. What would we do without the characters that make us do a double take?

Please SHARE these funny stories with your family, friends, and neighbors on Facebook!

[H/T: Reddit 12]

Left Thumbnail Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Karen Apricot


Wikimedia Commons / Yuyudevil

Had a neighbor who always picked up trash on our street. Great, except dude liked to run the hose over them and hang them up to dry. Bottles, paper, clothes, food, cigarettes, you named it. After drying the stuff out, he’d throw the stuff away. —LederhosenSituation


Flickr / Paula Whidden

I lived in a rural area for a few years and my next door neighbor showered her son naked in the backyard with a hose, no curtains or anything. That wasn’t the weird part. The weird part is that she did it until he was 13. —EsQuiteMexican


Wikimedia Commons / WhisperToMe

I live in Michigan. Most winters we get a lot of snow. The house next door has never had the brightest people living in it. Woke up one day to the fire department parked in the street. Apparently my neighbors thought they could save time shoveling snow by just covering their driveway in gasoline and melting it. They would also burn trash all the time. —BryBry_Bebo



My neighbour looked over his fence, looked at me straight in the eyes and said ‘the last time I looked at somebody like this, they died a week later.’ After that he just went back to his business like the conversation never even happened.

I was about 8 when he said this to me! So I spent the next week living in fear. —onefortysevenone


Wikimedia Commons / Derek Harper

Mine sits in his hedge watching my husband and I working (we run a farm) and then he copies what we are doing. He wears camo and thinks we can’t see him! —frenchcaptain


Wikimedia Commons / T.Kiya

Back in the ’70s and ’80s, my aunt had a neighbor who was a longtime volunteer at the local blood bank. I doubt this would be allowed today, but back then she was allowed to take home the old, expired blood which would otherwise be thrown out. She used it as fertilizer for her garden. You’d see her out on sunny days, on her knees, with a big sun hat and gloves, cheerfully working human blood into the soil around her roses.

Her roses, you’ll want to know, were magnificent, as were the rest of the flowers in her garden. —HarryBridges


U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Madelyn Brown

He likes to play his violin in the small forest between our houses in the early hours of the morning. Scares the f*** out of me. —BiggieSmalls


Flickr / waxesstatic

My bedroom was on the side facing the street and at least twice a month the neighbour across the street would end up sleep walking naked in his front garden. I’d get woken up by their blinding lights coming on… Very confusing. —iamgregreg


Wikimedia Commons / Scott Granneman

We live in an older neighborhood with chain link fences. You can see pretty much everything in the neighbor’s yards. We have one neighbor who feeds stray cats and he’ll stand in the back yard every evening and call them to dinner.

He’s a big man with a huge belly and he stands on his back porch in his boxers calling the cats by name. ‘Here Fat Boy! Here Cry Baby! Here Big Momma! Kitty kitty kitty!’ In this really high pitched call. It lasts about 10 minutes and due to some weird acoustics it sounds like he’s right outside my window hollering for the cats. I peek through the blinds and there he is in his underwear on his porch calling the cats. —metal_rooster


Flickr / Felix E. Guerrero

My neighbor regularly sits in a chair in his garage and… just sits there. For hours. And it’s not like his garage faces the street so it’d be comparable to someone sitting on their porch — his garage faces my garage/house so that’s pretty much all he has a view of. He also has a back porch which faces his backyard and woods, but he never sits back there.

He’s a pretty nice dude and I’ve pretty much gotten used to the obligatory exchange of ‘Hey’ when he’s there when I leave the house or get home, but for the first few months I lived here it’d really creep me out that 9/10 times I’d go to leave or pull in the driveway he’d just be there, facing me, sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of his garage. —dazasm


Flickr / Mike Burns

I live on the second floor of a two-floor apartment.

I was outside, walking down the steps to the ground, when my next door neighbor just walks outside and throws an entire plate of spaghetti over the side of the balcony onto the bushes below. I looked up at him like ‘WTF?,’ and he just stared at me and said, ‘I made too much spaghetti,’ then walked back inside. —ursois


Wikimedia Commons / Monika Wahi

My neighbor my freshman year of college was a nice enough dude, but sometimes he would sit in complete silence, with his eyes closed (meditating?) while slowly eating a whole banana. Whole as in: with the peel on. It was unnerving. —soomuchcoffee

Has a neighbor of yours ever done something wacky like this? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.