Armie Hammer Addresses Allegations He Violently Raped Multiple Women: ‘That Was Her Idea’

2021 was supposed to be a fabulous year for actor and privileged socialite Armie Hammer, as he was slated to star in numerous projects, including the film Shotgun Wedding and miniseries Gaslit. “2021 is going to kneel down before me and kiss my feet because this year I’m the boss of my own year,” he declared on Twitter. Just nine days later, allegations of disturbing sexual practices would be posted on an Instagram account called House of Effie that would forever change Hammer’s life.

For the first time, in an interview with Airmail, Hammer is breaking his silence about the turn of events since that Instagram account was created. It is pretty obvious that Hammer is trying to rehabilitate his poor public image.

The House of Effie account was not the only voice against Hammer. Other women came forward, including ex Courtney Vucekovich, a beauty-app developer. She told the Daily Mail, “He was really into saying he wants to break one of your ribs and eat it. Like barbecue it and eat it.”

Paige Lorenze told Page Six that Hammer carved the letter A into her vagina and licked it. He also allegedly told her he wanted to eat one of her ribs.

“It didn’t register to me this was something he was serious about until he brought it up multiple times and seeing other women come out with the same thing,” she said.

Effie Angelova accused Hammer of rape. “On April 24, 2017, Armie Hammer violently raped me for over four hours in Los Angeles, during which he repeatedly slapped my head against a wall, bruising my face,” she stated in a press conference. “He also committed other acts of violence against me to which I did not consent.”

Because of all of these allegations, an investigation was opened by the Los Angeles Police Department on March 18, 2021. Hammer pulled out of some projects. Many others dropped him. He went from being a Hollywood insider on top of the world to a black sheep no one would touch.

In the interview with Airmail, Hammer claims he did not rape Effie, instead saying the act was a preplanned scene with both parties consenting. He wishes he still had the messages to prove it.

“If I still had these messages, I would have been able to put this to bed in .5 seconds. This alleged rape was a scene that was her idea,” he explained. Hammer claims they engaged in a “consensual non-consent scene.”

Hammer claims to have always gotten consent from his sexual partners. “Every single thing was discussed beforehand,” he said. “I have never thrust this on someone unexpectedly. Never. That’s a very important part of the B.D.S.M. world. The consent. Because you’re doing things that are pushing envelopes.”

Hammer does admit he was “one million percent” emotionally abusive to his partners. “I had a very intense and extreme lifestyle, and I would scoop up these women, bring them into it — into this whirlwind of travel and sex and drugs and big emotions flying around — and then as soon as I was done, I’d just drop them off and move on to the next woman, leaving that woman feeling abandoned or used,” he stated.

Hammer believes his sex and drug addiction can be traced back to his childhood abuse. He alleges a youth pastor at his church sexually abused him when he was 13 years old.

“What that did for me was it introduced sexuality into my life in a way that it was completely out of my control,” he stated. “I was powerless in the situation. I had no agency in the situation. My interests then went to: I want to have control in the situation, sexually.”

Even though his life was turned completely upside down, Hammer would not change a thing. He sought help for his addictions and feels physically and mentally healthier than ever.

“If someone came up to me and gave me a magic lamp and said, ‘There’s a genie in here, but it only gives you one wish. If you rub this lamp, the genie will come out and take you back two years in the past, and you could undo all of this,’ I wouldn’t do it,” he said.

“I’m now grateful for everything that’s happened to me, because, as it says in the ‘Twelve and Twelve’ pain is the touchstone of spiritual progress. I’m now a healthier, happier, more balanced person. I’m able to be there for my kids in a way I never was. I’m able to be there for my dad as he’s dying in a way that I would have never been able to be. I’m truly grateful for my life and my recovery and everything. I would not go back and undo everything that’s happened to me,” he concluded.