Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York and Prince Andrew's ex-wife, 64, is "taking some time to [herself]" after learning that she has skin cancer. In an Instagram post shared on Monday, January 22, 2024, Fergie shared the news of her recent diagnosis, which comes just months after it was revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. "I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer, my second cancer diagnosis within a year after I was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery," Sarah wrote on Instagram.
"It was thanks to the great vigilance of my dermatologist that the melanoma was detected when it was," she continued.
She also reminded her followers to be "diligent" and check for signs of melanoma, such as new moles or moles that have changed in their appearance.
"I believe my experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, colour and texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma and urge anyone who is reading this to be diligent," she wrote.
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Her spokesperson shared the news on January 21, saying, "Her dermatologist asked that several moles were removed and analyzed at the same time as the duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy, and one of these has been identified as cancerous," as per the BBC.
The spokesperson also said that more testing will be done to see if the melanoma was detected early.
Though the diagnosis came as a "shock" to Sarah, she's also "in good spirits."
"Naturally another cancer diagnosis has been a shock but I’m in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support," she wrote in the post.
Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram. In June, her spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times that she had surgery, adding that "her doctors have told her that the prognosis is good."
In November 2023, Sarah was on British talk show Loose Women and admitted that she almost didn't go to the mammogram appointment that led to her breast cancer diagnosis.
She admitted that she had felt fine, had no symptoms, and thought it would be fine if she skipped the appointment. Her sister ended up pushing her to go, and it's a good thing she did, Sarah said, because her breast cancer was detected early.
In an Instagram post shared in celebration of the start of the new year in 2024, Sarah shared that she "beat breast cancer."
"I have had the pleasure of meeting some very inspiring people from around the world with beautiful stories to tell. I have discovered within myself that I, too, have more stories to tell," she wrote at the time. "I am 64 and just getting started. I hope everyone takes time to reflect and to look forward with love and positivity."
In light of her recent diagnosis, Sarah thanked the medical teams that have helped her navigate both diagnoses.
"I am incredibly thankful to the medical teams that have supported me through both of these experiences with cancer and to the MAYRLIFE Clinic for taking gentle care of me in the past weeks, allowing me time for recuperation," she wrote in her recent post. "I am resting with family at home now, feeling blessed to have their love and support. ❤️ "