A bold Demi Moore shocked her millions of followers when she posted photos of herself posing in a leopard-print string bikini. The 60-year-old actress captioned the post, "Pilaf takes the beach ️," as she is seen lying on patio furniture with her Chihuahua on her chest.
Demi showed no shame in sharing these bikini photos of herself. In the second photo, she's seen crouched down in the sand on the beach. She's wearing some cut-off jean shorts, holding her dog on her lap, and smiling at the camera.
Fans obsessed over her stunning looks in the comment section.
"60 years old and still not looking a bit over 40," one user wrote.
"This woman only gets more attractive with every passing year! . Looking good Demi! ," another one said.
This isn't the first time Demi has popped up in a bikini. The actress recently collaborated with Andie Swim, helping design sexy and comfortable swimwear for women of any age.
"They don’t want to look matronly or not feel sexy or desirable," Demi shared when talking about what women often feel sensitive about. "That was really something in my own mind, which is changing this idea that we become less desirable as we get older.”