When Magda Newman entered the hospital to give birth to her first child, she couldn’t imagine how her life was going to change in so many ways.
After laboring for 17 long hours, Magda finally gave birth to her son, but something didn’t quite feel right. She noticed weird looks on her medical practitioners’ faces, and no one was bringing him to her for some skin-to-skin time.
Her medical team ended up taking her son into another room. At one point, she thought he must be dead because she just couldn’t grasp what was happening.
According to ABC News, even though Magda had experienced a healthy pregnancy, the baby had shown signs of distress throughout labor. Magda was 24 years old, and her husband, Russell, noted that his wife was considered “the ultimate low-risk pregnancy.”
As Magda lay in a hospital bed all on her own, the medical team decided to inform Russell first of what they had discovered about their baby. Instead of congratulating him, the doctor brought out a textbook opened up to a page about something called Treacher Collins syndrome.
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The textbook showed an image of a teenager with the condition, which is a rare congenital craniofacial disorder that affects only one in 50,000 people in the United States.
When Magda was able to finally meet her baby, whom the couple named Nathaniel, it took her almost a year to be able to look at him without flinching.
To find out who has helped this family along their way, watch the full video shared by Wonderbot.