Becoming a parent for the first time is one of the happiest moments in a person's life. The love you feel for the new little baby is unlike anything you've ever experienced before.
However, with parenthood comes great and daunting responsibilities. You're responsible for a new life now, and that's quite the weight on your shoulders. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely a weight well worth bearing, but there can be a lot of pressure that comes along with being a new mom or dad.
So what has all the perks of parenthood (with some extras sprinkled in) without all the responsibility? Being a grandparent, of course. Grandma does always know best, after all.
If you're already a grandparent, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you have a parent that helps you with your kids, I'm sure that you've seen how happy it makes them.
These 11 things are just a few of the perks of being a grandma or grandpa. Did we miss any?
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1. You've Got The Time

As a parent, surely you were so, so busy with work, errands, and possibly a bunch of other kiddos running around. As a grandparent, you might be in your retirement already (or close to it) and have got more time on your hands to spend with the little ones.
2. It Actually Helps You Stay Healthy

Older folks who have close relationships are more likely to keep learning, to be more active, to be less depressed, and to score higher on some cognitive tests. Helping to take care of a child helps keep you on your toes and stay in shape.
3. You Can Skip The Dirty Work This Time Around

As a grandparent, you're definitely not going to have to be up late at night changing diapers. In fact, you may not be changing diapers at all if you play your cards right. You're there to be a grandparent, not to clean spit-up 24/7.
4. You Can Spoil Them

As a grandparent, you're basically obligated to spoil your grandkids. You're always the good guy in this sense, offering them ice cream for lunch or buying them that nice action figure for no reason other than that they came over for a visit.
5. You Know How Precious The Younger Years Are

Parents haven't yet experienced the change in attitude that comes at some harrowing point in adolescence. You know just how fleeting those little kisses and smiles are coming from your grandkid, so you relish them even more this time around.
6. Discipline Isn't In Your Hands

It's your child's responsibility to discipline his or her own children, not yours. In fact, it might even be out of line for you to take these matters into your own hands! At least that's what you should keep telling yourself so that you can just keep eating cake with your grandkids instead of taking away their TV privileges.
7. You Get To Fall In Love All Over Again

Having a grandkid will essentially melt you into a puddle of feelings… in a very good way. You'll love in a way you never thought possible, and you'll most certainly be a better person for it in the end.
8. It'll Slow Down Time

Having a grandchild will keep you in the moment rather than looking too far into the past or into the future. Every moment with them will be a blessing, and you'll want to stay right there for as long as possible.
9. You Know What's Most Important Now

At this point in time, you've lived life. You know what is the most important thing: happiness. It doesn't matter if the grandkids get into the very best (read: most expensive) schools or if they are a star athlete. As long as you can do your very best to help them be happy, that's the best gift you can give.
10. You Don't Have To Be Perfect

Your grandkids are always going to love you, because you're their nonna or poppa! You're allowed to sing off key to them and you're certainly allowed to forget a thing or two every now and again. The fact of the matter is that, in your grandchild's eyes, you're this awesome superhuman with whom they get to spend time.
11. Your Kids Will Find A New Appreciation For You

Now they know each and every thing that you went through with them, and your relationship will only get better. Plus, they'll love those afternoons that they get off when you offer to take the kids off of their hands. It's really a win for you all around!
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