Chrissy Teigen Lets Son Miles Embrace Emotions, Pushes Back Against Toxic Gender Norms

Chrissy Teigen has been in the news quite a bit recently. The model and author recently shut down her Twitter account after getting too many negative comments that fell into the category of harassment. She also lost her third child and documented the process online — which was helpful for women who were going through similar struggles, but still very painful for Chrissy herself. Regardless, she's still profiling her family, which includes 4-year-old Luna and 2-year-old Miles, on Instagram.

Chrissy's comments toward motherhood have always been positive. Without a doubt, she loves the family she's created with musician John Legend. That said, it's always refreshing to hear about her tactics and suggestions when it comes to parenting. Just recently, she opened up about how she's approaching the topic of emotions with Miles.

Chrissy opened up to People magazine about how special Miles is and what his personality is like. "Miles is very emotional," she said. "He's a lot like me too. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and we embrace that. I think more men should embrace their emotions."

"I think that's really important in this world," she continued. "That it's okay to cry, and it's okay to be upset about something or to be sad about something. We're going to talk it through and it's okay." Chrissy's not wrong. Many times, men are told they need to suppress their emotions, which can often be tricky.

Opening up about how you really feel will also strengthen relationships you have. Chrissy mentioned that Miles also gets a lot of cues from his father, and that the two share a special relationship. John is also open about how he feels, and he doesn't believe in the old-fashioned theory that men should run their household.

"There is no 'Be a man' in our house," she said. "There's no right way to be a man, and John is so good about showing them through how he treats me how to be a good man, how to be a good father. It's wonderful to see." Chrissy shared that her oldest, Luna, is also a little like her in certain ways.

"She is a bit of a perfectionist which I didn't know I was until the past few years," she stated. "I'm trying to tell her that not everything — it's funny because when I talk to her, I'm actually talking to myself too — not everything has to be perfect and there is joy and beauty in imperfections, and don't be so hard on yourself. And that's me talking to myself when I tell her that stuff."

It is interesting that, oftentimes, parenting makes us come face-to-face with our own flaws. But it's good for self-improvement. At this point, Chrissy — like most moms — is well-aware that kids often look up to mom and dad to learn how to handle situations. By trying to teach Luna that things don't have to be perfect, Chrissy is likely also backing off and trying to lead by example.

"I'm an open, free spirit and I love kids to be kids," she said. "For us, kindness is such a big thing. When you meet our kids, they're very warm and friendly. You instill those things in them, but for the most part let them be creative and wondrous and spirited and curious beings."

Kindness and friendliness go a long way. And seeing that in your children is always a joy. As parents, we need to remember that being kind and approachable may be one of the best skills for children to learn. Not only will it help their social skills, but it'll make other kids feel less alone.

This isn't the first time that Chrissy has let her fans know about her parenting style. In fact, one of the reasons why she's so popular is because she's quite open about what her life is like at home. Despite having so many resources, Chrissy admitted back when Luna was a baby that her mom lived with her to help out. Instead of hiring a nanny, she's depending on family, like many of us do.

While her dad lives nearby and her parents' marriage is fine, Chrissy made it obvious that sometimes, things change when babies come into the picture. And chances are, Chrissy's mom loved the opportunity to bond with baby Luna. "It just works for them. It's a good family life. We're all very close, very tight–knit," she said, per Popsugar.

Aside from sharing parenting tips and hacks, Chrissy was also quite open about the process of getting pregnant. She underwent IVF with both Miles and Luna and hasn't sugarcoated the process. She also opened up about postpartum depression, which she unexpectedly suffered from after having Luna.

"The depression thing came out of nowhere!" she said, per Harper's Bazaar. "And I will say, I'm not even worried about it for this time — because I know what to expect at least." Back then, she even wrote a piece mentioning it for Glamour, and like most of Chrissy's writing, it was quite relatable.

"I have postpartum depression," she said. "How can I feel this way when everything is so great? I've had a hard time coming to terms with that, and I hesitated to even talk about this, as everything becomes such a 'thing.' During pregnancy, what I thought were casual comments about IVF turned into headlines about me choosing the sex of my daughter. And I can already envision what will be said about me after this admission." But still, she wrote it. And she wrote it from the heart.

It should come as no surprise that Chrissy hopes her children will ditch gender stereotypes and express their emotions. It's what Chrissy has done throughout her entire career. And while some people choose to turn these admissions into scandalous stories, they're really not. In fact, Chrissy is popular because she's not afraid to put herself out there. It'd be great if more public figures did the same.