In a scene straight out of The Notebook, a hopelessly devoted couple passed away in adjacent hospital beds while holding hands.
Dennis, 85, and Audrey Fleetwood, 77, barely ever spent time apart, according to their son. This of course proved to be true up until their final hours when hospital staff agreed to push their beds together. The couple had been by each other's side for 54 years of marriage.
Their son Paul said, "They pushed mum's bed in to dad's room and took the middle barriers down so they could lie together. They put a pillow between them so they could hold hands comfortably."
Audrey Fleetwood had been in the hospital for a number of months due to complications and infection following a gall stone surgery. The grandmother of five also suffered from mild dementia.
Feature Image Via SWNS and New Line Cinema

Dennis was admitted to the same hospital on November 17th, 2016, with a case of aspiration pneumonia. When nurses knew that his condition was escalating, they wheeled Audrey's bed into his room and created the movie-worthy scene.

Dennis passed the day after he was brought to the hospital, while holding the hand of the love of his life.

Son Paul said, "We told him he was holding mum's hand and it was okay, once we said that he stopped struggling and moving around and was peaceful."

Two days later, Audrey also passed. "And after Dad died, she just slipped away – I like to think they both went together," said son Paul.

After all, Dennis did tell Paul that he didn't want to live without Audrey, and in the end he didn't have to. The couple will have a joint funeral next week.

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