It would be quite a shock to find out you were dating a relative. While it may seem unsettling, this is a possibility to be aware of. Just imagine discovering after years of marriage that you are actually related to your partner!
Inside Edition shared a video about a couple who decided to take a DNA test and found out that they were in fact, distant cousins. Celina and Joseph Quinones have been married for 17 years and have three children together.
Like many Americans, Celina, a 37-year-old real estate agent, decided to take the 23andMe DNA test to learn more about her family and her family history. Once she got her results, she went into the database where you can find a list of your cousins, there is where she found her husband's name.
At first, Celina thought it was a prank, but it turns out the information was very real. Celina then shared her story on TikTok, and it blew up, causing quite a stir. Celina and Joseph are between third and fifth cousins.
Inside Edition asked Celina if she was sorry that she took that test. Her response was, “You know, at first, I was, to be honest.” She was then asked if they knew about this before they got married, would it of made any difference to them?
Joseph responded: “I think so. If we would’ve found out two weeks after we had our first kiss, I don’t think either one of us would’ve proceeded.” Even though this discovery was very shocking to the couple, they are still happily married.
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The fact that they are cousins also did not have any effect on their three children. Joseph says they all are healthy, have all their toes and fingers, and came into the world perfectly fine!
Just to share a friendly reminder to all those still searching for their soul mate — it's always a good idea to sneak in a DNA test before making any permanent commitments. You obviously never know what surprises may arise, so better safe than sorry!
To view the whole story, click the video!