Sometimes families are separated by distance, but thankfully nowadays there are things like FaceTime and social media that can make us feel as if we're really there with each other.
However, missing each other can sometimes only truly be fixed by seeing each other physically, in person.
That's exactly what the family below knew needed to be done, after over a year apart!
This man, his wife, and daughter explain that they haven't seen his mother in 14 months. Although they talked via FaceTime often, so that "Grandma Tutu" could get to know her granddaughter, they wanted to surprise her with a real reunion at her house.
So, they took a spontaneous trip and then FaceTimed her, pretending that they were home, but really they were outside her front door.
When Grandma comes out, she is absolutely through the roof with excitement!
This reunion is one that they'll never forget, and thankfully it's all caught on tape.
Wouldn't every grandma have a reaction like this when they are reunited with their grandbabies? My own mom reunites with my nephew this way every time she sees him, and that's almost every few days! It just goes to show the special bond between a grandkid and a grandparent, right?
Please SHARE this incredible reunion with everyone you know and love!