Delores McKay is an 85-year-old woman who has been called a grandma for the past 17 years.
However, the kids calling her by that name aren't her biological grandchildren.
"Grandma Dee," as she is affectionately known, volunteers at local schools in Nevada as a foster grandma helping children learn how to read. She is there to help the students learn, yes, but she is also there to be a role model and grandparent figure.
Kids look up to grandparents and want to make them proud. Reading with Grandma Dee has helped over 400 students over the years, and a huge number of them made extra special relationships with her on the way. Some folks just have that ability to make special bonds with kids, and Grandma Dee is one of them.
Over the years, this passionate woman has watched proudly as her students grew up into young men and women right before her eyes. She's seen them go onto great things and has wished them well in their lives.
But, one day, Grandma Dee got quite the surprise.
During one of the five days a week that she volunteers at schools, she got a call from the office telling her than she had a visitor. They wouldn't give her a name.
She warily headed down to the main office only to see a young man standing there holding a dozen roses just for her. That young man, Victor Chavarria, used to be her student.
You have to hear what Grandma Dee says about the reunion for yourself. One thing is for sure, though: her work of nearly two decades has not gone unnoticed.
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