When you're a kid, magic is one of the most fascinating things. Having the ability to do things solely with the power of our minds or special spells was a dream we all wished would come true when we were little.
Luckily for this little guy, his grandpa was a magic master, even a sorcerer if you will.
The little boy in green and his grandfather were sitting at the kitchen table. Suddenly, the wooden chair across from Grandpa began to shift. Grandpa's arms extended away from his body and so did the chair. It appeared as if he was pushing it with a magic trick all his own.
His grandson was so amused, he couldn't stop giggling. Then, he decided to give it a shot.
The child thrusted his hands outward and the kitchen chair leaned away from him. The boy's eyes lit up with excitement as he watched the magic trick happen right before his very eyes.
In the video below, posted on January 26, 2017, the enthusiastic kid tells his mother, who is recording everything on camera, "Watch this, Mom!"
He does the same move again, and is just as impressed.
"Can you make it rise again?" his mom asks.
The little boy doesn't miss a beat. He makes a straining face as he lifts his arms up. Thanks to Grandpa's feet, the chair follows the grandson's movement and lifts up into the air.
Then, the real fun begins.
To see what this grandpa and grandson do next with their levitating chair trick, check out the video below — it's absolutely adorable!
Finally, please SHARE if this special magic trick made you smile today!