Ten years ago, Vietnam veteran Harold Walker made the decision to place his treasured war medals in a safe deposit box at a bank in Illinois.
Harold earned the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Service Medal, and the National Defense Medal for his service.
The decorated veteran placed the medals in the box and put it under his and his mom's names.
At the time, he was moving from Illinois to Mississippi. Then his mom passed away.
He decided to reach out to the bank and let them know, in regards to her name being on the box as well, but then, the unthinkable happened.
In the time it had taken him to settle into his new life in Mississippi, the bank had closed down.
"We thought they were gone forever," said Harold's sister, Mabel Brown.
Ten years they searched for his beloved medals.
But they never gave up.
Then Mabel contacted the Illinois state treasurer's office via their website and informed them of the situation.
Amazingly, the treasurer's office had had them the entire time, but had no way of contacting Harold!
His three medals are just a few of the hundreds of unclaimed military property the office has held in their vault.
Check out Harold's tear-filled reunion with his precious honors in the video below, and please SHARE it on Facebook!