Ever Lopez was just as excited about graduation as everyone else. Unfortunately, he ran into some issues based on the way he chose to present himself. Ever had the flag of Mexico draped over his shoulders over his gown. While his gown was still visible — and the flag wasn't too much of a distraction — officials at the school were still upset that the student broke dress code.
It's unclear as to whether or not the students were adequately prepped about the big day beforehand, but regardless, officials chose to take firm action. Allegedly, Ever was denied his diploma for showing up at the ceremony that way.
It makes sense to have the kids look professional during the big day. But at the same time, this flag was an inoffensive form of self-expression. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage.
Ever's cousin Adolfo Hurtado took a video that included the awkward holdup at the North Carolina high school graduation. While the video itself makes it unclear as to what happened at the moment, you can hear a lot of students booing for their choice to reprimand Ever. He also gets a healthy round of applause at the end.
According to Today, a school official encouraged Ever to take off his flag. He started to, until the audience persuaded him to keep it on. That's where the boos and cheers come from in the video. It's unlikely that anyone in the audience would realize that Ever's punishment would be so severe — and so confusing. Despite what he wore that day, he earned that diploma.
"Sadly, he did not get the diploma," Adolfo said on TikTok, where he's made several videos regarding the incident. "The teacher wants him to apologize — obviously he's not going to do that." Today reports that Ever's family went to the district superintendent, but the superintendent told them that it was up to the principal to make the call.
Aside from TikTok, the footage was also reportedly streamed on the Asheboro City Schools Facebook page. Since the incident, it appears as if the Facebook page was taken down. That likely means that others were outraged over the decision. As it was made obvious, Ever didn't, in any way, interrupt the ceremony. Instead, it seems as if the principal did.
Adolfo posted another video of the confrontation that family and friends had with the principal, identified as Penny Crooks. Police were present as supporters told the principal that the move was racist. But she seems adamant that this was a dress code issue.
If that's truly the case, perhaps schools should have a better look at their dress codes. For many students, graduating from high school will be their biggest honor. It's even more important if the odds were against them — if they were the first in the family to graduate, or if they really tried their hardest to get good-enough grades to enter college.
The flag wasn't offensive. Ever was completely covered and was still wearing his gown. It didn't cause any harm. The punishment doesn't match the crime at all. He worked hard in order to get that diploma, and to have it taken away all due to a flag he was proud of is simply ridiculous.
The district has claimed that the incident was not about the flag, saying that instead it was about protocol. "We are disheartened by the many comments by those not present at the event, along with those by individuals who do not have all of the facts," the district said. Maybe staff should take the time to sit down and figure out how bothered they really were, individually, for Ever to pay tribute to the family members who couldn't see him on his big day.
The district staff likely didn't think that this would become such a widespread issues, but they need to realize that banning someone over wearing the Mexican flag seems like a racist maneuver — and in this day and age, news travels fast. Since other students decorated their hats without punishment, this seems even more targeted from an outsider's perspective. The district said that it will "resolve the issue with the student and family so that he will receive his diploma," which is a step in the right direction.
Graduation isn't just a ceremony where people complete years of schooling. It's also a time when young adults can reflect on their achievements, along with how they got there. Many students wouldn't have been able to graduate without the love, support, and help of family members. That's what Ever was paying tribute to.
He was giving a nod to his family and his heritage, and he didn't try to make a show of it — or take over the ceremony. At this point, it seems like the principal just wanted to be in a position of power. It's good to know that, upon days of thinking about the incident, she may be willing to make amends.
Right now, over 101,000 people have signed the petition for Ever to get his diploma — and that number seems to be growing by the minute. "This is unacceptable, this man worked his butt off for HIS diploma," the petition reads.
One person who signed, named Hallie Richardson, said it best: "It is our job as educators to affirm our students' identities and ensure that they can freely express those identities. Principal Crooks and Asheboro City Schools made an unethical decision to force Ever's compliance in literally erasing his identity as a Mexican American in order to receive his diploma. I urge them to take immediate steps to rectify this harm and ensure that Ever receives his diploma."