Every woman who has given birth knows that pregnancy and the birth itself are messy affairs. Not everything goes according to plan, and giving birth isn't the picture-perfect experience most new moms are exposed to.
Motherhood isn't easy, but many moms insist on making it seem like a breeze on social media. In reality, babies wake their parents up at odd hours of the night, create messes all over the house, and generally leave the new parents frazzled and in need of sleep.
But perhaps the most understated part of motherhood is the moments just after birth. A woman's body, having adapted to pregnancy, needs time to readjust, a process which may take a few months. Right after giving birth, many women use the mesh underwear Harris is seen wearing to prevent leakage.
Designer and television star Jillian Harris recently gave birth herself, but it's one of her photos that many women are responding to. The photo is so beautiful and brutally honest, and many believe that it's a great portrayal of new parenthood.
Photo source: Twitter / TODAY

Designer and television star Jillian Harris recently gave birth to a baby boy named Leo.

The Bachelorette star has posted very intimate pictures of her birth experience on social media, but nothing quite compares to what she posted on her blog.

On her blog, Harris gets real and personal, posting a picture of herself in a mesh pair of underwear right after giving birth.

The parents also look at their new little one with a combination of love and fear — a combination familiar to any parent, perhaps.

Harris, normally neat and polished in her photos, is just one of many women who have exposed the real picture of postpartum.

While her body continues to adjust post-pregnancy, little Leo is thriving at home with his thrilled mom and dad!
Please SHARE if you appreciate this new mom's honesty about postpartum!