Owen Wilson may seem like an odd choice for the lead in a rom-com, especially opposite Jennifer Lopez.
The 53-year-old actor has never been married himself, but he believes in the power of love. And if the raves from audiences are any indication, they believe in the power of Owen as J.Lo's expected perfect match.
While doing press for Marry Me, Owen stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show to talk about love. He revealed that the latest love story in his life is his mom's!
Owen shared that his mother, photographer Laura Wilson, recently found love again at the age of 80. She'd been married to Owen's father, TV ad executive Robert A. Wilson, until his death from Alzheimer's disease on May 5, 2017.
Laura got back out there three years after her husband's death and met her latest love. In 2020, Laura met a wonderful man and got married for the second time.
"My mom recently got married at age 80 to a very nice guy," Owen told Ellen.
"I think that's a very romantic story and the idea that you can find love at any age."
Owen says that watching his mom find love again reminded him that it's never too late.
"I think that's a very nice story," he said.
Owen says he does see himself as a romantic guy with the right woman.
"Um, I don't know. I think I'm somewhat romantic," he said.
"I definitely appreciate a romantic story."
Now 82, Laura and her husband are living happily together and enjoying life. Their story continues to inspire Owen, and now that he's shared it, it's bound to inspire countless others.