These Tips Can Help Stressed-Out Moms Make It Through The Holiday Season A Little Easier

It's the time of year where the focus shifts toward making holiday magic. In most families, that magic can't happen without mom.

Moms find themselves in charge of navigating many of the little details of the holiday season, from giving out gift lists to buying gifts for others, organizing get-togethers, and corralling the family to all of these events. It's not easy and even in a good year, it can be really overwhelming and frustrating.

It's for that reason that the holiday season is an important time for moms to exercise their right to me-time. If you're looking for ways to unwind during the holidays, here are some ideas for moms to relax despite the holiday chaos.

Have a drink

We're not endorsing bad behavior here. Have whatever drink is relaxing to you. For some, that could be a nice warm glass of tea, the latest on the Starbucks holiday menu, or possibly, a glass of wine. Take a moment to yourself to have a beverage and regroup. There are even beverages like Recess, a sparkling water that may help you relax because it contains magnesium and adaptogens.

Set a deadline for making plans and stick to it

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I know this sounds like an impossible task, especially in this year's ever-evolving holiday landscape. But hold firm, whether it's this holiday season or the next 10 to come. Setting deadline for when different family and friends need to make plans with you and your family lets everyone know you're not here for last-minute plans.

Start shopping early

Tijana Simic/iStock

Every year, this suggestion is met with eyerolls from people who can't comprehend thinking about the holidays a second before they have to. I get it. I also get that the whole gift-buying experience is easier on your mind and your wallet when you do it little by little over two to three months ahead of time. Trust me on this one: Your December mental health will thank us both.

Stash some cash for the holidays throughout the year

Piggy bank with calculator

A lot of the stress that comes around the holidays relates to the financial component of it. The good news is that with some planning, you can work on getting ahead of it. Even stashing a small amount here and there throughout the year can make a big difference at the most stressful time of year.

Wrap the gifts as they come in

Courtesy of LittleThings Author

If you take a few minutes to wrap everything as you get it, you won't find yourself with a mountain of wrapping to do once the kids go to school or bed. Instead, you can use that time to treat yourself with a little rest and relaxation.

Designate an area of your home as a mom-only zone


Whether it's a room, a closet, the garage, or any other space, you need somewhere that is solely yours. Stash a pillow in this space to scream into, a puzzle or journal to get your mind somewhere else, and ideally, a snack that you don't want to share but is easy to hide.

Make time for an adult activity


This is especially important if you have younger kids. It's easy to get wrapped up in the kids-family-kids-family cycle during the holidays. Remember that you're a person outside of being a parent. Make time for a movie, TV show, or podcast that lets you live in that brain space for a while.

Lean on your partner or village


You shouldn't feel responsible for bringing all the joy and magic of your holiday to your child alone. Regardless of if you're a single mom or not, you may take on more than your share of the responsibility. Create boundaries and stick to them. It's a great time of year to call in the grandmas, aunts, and uncles to help out when you need them to.