Weddings are full of lovely moments between couples who are remembering why they themselves got married in the first place, and what it was that brought them together in the first place.
The wedding videographer is often responsible for getting clips of friends and family giving marriage advice to the happy newlyweds. Usually, it's very sweet advice, like love each other no matter what, learn to compromise, and that she's always right. That last one, especially, is very useful, because it is true, my friends.
Sometimes, though, you get some unexpected gems. There is always that one groomsman who will remind the groom how lucky he is to have a wife so far out of his league, or a bridesmaid who will vow to always take the bride's side in an argument. If there is an open bar at the wedding, the number of these silly clips increases exponentially.
But when this set of grandparents were called on to give their advice on how to stay together for 65 long years, the videographer got much more than he bargained for.
Grandma answered the question as you might think she would, with a lovingly sincere smile on her face.
However, when it was Grandpa's turn to answer the question, "Is there still a spark after 65 years?" that's when the whole thing turns on its head!
No one expected this sweet man to be so candid about his personal life. Just wait until you hear what he said! Everyone in the whole room couldn't stop themselves from laughing, including his sweet wife.
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