It was unthinkable. Adam's birth parents refused to take him home after he was born. They said that if doctors forced them to take him, they would poison their own newborn baby boy in fear of being shamed. Adam was born with a healthy brain, lungs, and heart.
However, he entered the world with no eyelids, no nose, and no hands. Additionally, his legs were fused together. His parents believed that their options were either to abandon their son or, sadly, kill him.
Raja and Jessica Paulraj, a married couple who were also the doctor and nurse who treated Adam, could not stand for this. Jessica held the baby boy in her arms.
She and Raja knew they had to adopt him. Adam was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder known as Bartsocas-Papas syndrome. The couple took their new son to a specialist, and he underwent several surgeries.
But the bills were high. Then something amazing happened. The community came together and raised $100,000 for the baby "nobody wanted" in just a week. The surgeries allowed Adam to close his eyes and mouth for the first time.
"Is he going to be perfect? Yes, he's already perfect. Is he going to be normal by the world's standards? Never," said Adam's doctor, John van Aalst.
Through the love and care of Raja and Jessica, and with the help of their community, Adam flourished into a happy, beloved baby boy.
Adam passed away on June 12, 2016, at the age of 4.