When you marry into a family, you have to learn to navigate all the different personalities, which can be challenging, especially when there's a difference of opinion on fundamental beliefs such as religion. One Reddit user thought she was doing great until her creepy brother-in-law found her porn accounts.
This brother-in-law thought he would be able to hold it over his sister-in-law’s head. The joke's on him, though, because his sister-in-law was not having it and fired back. Her only regret is that it strained her husband’s relationship with his parents. She asked the internet if she was in the wrong.
This woman has a secret.
This hardworking woman obviously loves her husband and wants to make sure he is happy. “I (29F) have been married to my sweet husband (33M) for two years, and we've been together for 7 years in total. While my husband is not, his family is very conservative Christian. They are nice people outside of their beliefs, but he doesn’t have much contact with them,” she began her story on Reddit.
“Anyways, about five years ago, I started making certain kinds of content on certain kinds of platforms that do not line up with my in-law’s values,” she revealed. “I make good money and my husband and I live comfortably. My husband is completely supportive but we don’t tell his family what I do because he didn’t want them to know (they thought that I still worked in insurance). Also, I keep my personal social media separate from the accounts I make porn with, though it’s not impossible to connect the two.”
Her brother-in-law found out.
Looks like the cat is somewhat out of the bag, because her brother-in-law found out.
“Not too long ago, an account using my BIL’s name 'Eric' and a username that he has on many of his other social media accounts paid to subscribe to me on the site that I use to post adult content. I only noticed because I recognized the username when he liked a video I posted. I told my husband about this, and we decided to block the account. (It was obviously him),” she went on to say.
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This was one awkward family dinner.
She didn’t think much of it until a family gathering where the brother-in-law would not stop asking about her work.
“So, we went out for dinner with my husband’s family (including Eric, his wife, and his newborn son) for Mother’s Day yesterday. It was a nice get-together initially, but then Eric kept asking me how work was going and kept asking for super specific details. He wouldn’t leave me alone, to the point that my FIL noticed and cracked a joke about it,” she explained. “I still am not sure what the point of asking me about work was exactly, to make me lie, to embarrass me, to make me confess what I do, and shock everyone? He had a look like he was trying to provoke me.”
The sister-in-law struck back.
The woman reached her breaking point.
“I lost my patience at one BS question he had and said ‘You seem like you really want everyone to know that I make porn.’ He started laughing and said that he didn’t know what I meant by that,” she explained. “I said that he had been fixating on what I do for work all night and that it was starting to piss me off because I just had to block him and refund his money on the site he subscribed to.”
The story did not have a happy ending.
“My husband and I left early. My in-laws clearly don’t approve of me now, and Eric and his wife were furious. Eric said that his family doesn’t want to be around both my husband and myself until I apologize to him and his wife for wrongly accusing him of ‘watching that filth.’ The thing is, I 100% believe that it was him and I don’t think it’s right that he tried to bully me over something that has nothing to do with him. I want to stand my ground on this but I also feel bad because my husband is unwillingly in the middle,” she concluded.
Reddit users were happy to chime in and give their opinions.
Reddit users support this woman.
This woman can take comfort knowing that while her in-laws might not approve of her, Reddit users truly do.
“He was obviously trying to shame you and make you feel awkward about what you do, but he didn't think you'd admit it or drop him in it. He thought he had power over you and he's pissed off it failed,” wrote one user who believes she did the right thing.
A queen, you say?
“You handled the situation like a QUEEN. Couldn't have done it better myself. Good for you,” wrote another user affirming the woman.
She has the receipts.
Many users think the brother-in-law acted creepy and like a bully. Some even advised her to show the receipts to prove he subscribed to her content. “If possible, take some screenshots confirming that he did subscribe and pay. If he tries to let you down you have to get back at him even harder,” one user suggested.
She does not want to use them.
This woman is thankful for the advice but does not feel inclined to take it. “I have the screenshots already but It's probably pointless and will just damage relationships further,” she replied.
Time will tell if this woman and her extended family can mend fences. This may be a case of accepting that she and her husband are better off without them.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.