Child and slave labor is still a huge problem in our world today. However, it's incredibly easy to ensure that you purchase products that are certified fair trade and free of child or slave labor.
While it will always be best to purchase products that are proudly made in the USA, sometimes we have to purchase imports from other countries. Even though a lot of these products are a bit more expensive, it's because they're made with higher-quality, less-detrimental environmental impact, and even healthier products as a whole. If you can afford to save a life, you should definitely do your best to help your fellow human.
Sweatshops all around the world often have poor working conditions, unfair wages, horrible hours, and lack of benefits. Products that often come from sweatshops are as common as shoes, clothing, rugs, chocolate, children's toys, bananas, shoes, and countless other everyday items.
So many of these products can be found in your local malls and big box stores, and it's truly terrifying to find out how many children are working on production lines all over the world. A child sewing an NBA, NFL, or NHL jersey gets paid 24 cents for each product they make; the jerseys then get sold for as much as $140!
An estimated 250 million children from ages 5–14 are forced to work every single day, and it's up to you to help free them from all that. Please check out some of the more common products below; #6 made me run to my kitchen to make sure I was drinking responsibly!
What do you think about fair trade? Should we make this a bigger deal or is it just something hippies worry about? Let us know in the comments below!
And please SHARE these popular products with your friends and family to spread awareness and save lives!
1. Cotton
There are 19 confirmed countries that employ child labor and slave labor to export cotton. Next time you go to buy a brand new sundress, make sure you're purchasing something that's good for kids!
2. Cocoa

At least six countries use child labor to harvest these popular beans. If you're ever in need of cocoa to bake muffins or cookies in your kitchen, make sure it isn't supplied by child labor!
3. Diamonds

Though more and more awareness is being spread with the terrible "blood diamonds" of Africa, it's best to do your research if you're ever looking for an engagement ring for your future fiancé or if you're shopping for some new earrings or a diamond necklace for your friend's weddings. Rihanna would approve of these diamonds!
4. Bananas

There are four countries in South America that use child labor to harvest delicious bananas. Make sure to double-check where this delicious fruit is coming from, and if you want some delicious fair trade dried bananas check out this link!
5. Shoes

Multiple countries in the world use child labor for our footwear. Next time you go out for some new shoes, ballet flats, or sneakers, please make sure you're ordering fair trade, and still stylish, shoes!
6. Coffee

Child laborers struggle on multiple continents to supply the world with delicious, fresh coffee. Go ahead and make a stand against the terrible use of child workers. While Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts are amazing, sometimes you have to brew your own coffee at home. And though it may be a bit more expensive, if you can help put an end to this horrific abuse of children, isn't it worth the extra couple of dollars?
7. Rice

There are several countries that abuse not only child labor for their rice, but slave labor as well. Next time you're using your rice cooker to prepare a nice meal with some fish and rice, make sure you're eating fair trade rice that you can trust!
8. Rugs and Carpets

Several rug manufacturers employ child and slave labor to make our rooms brighter. Along with horrific environmental waste, it's very worthwhile to do a bit of research to ensure that your next room renovation and remodeling doesn't make children suffer.
9. Coal

Countries like North Korea and China use child and slave labor to export coal. Make sure you stay warm, or cook your steaks on the grill, with fair trade or local coal!
10. Sugar

Over a dozen countries employ child labor in order to supply the world with this addictive and sweet product. Next time you want to sprinkle some sugar on your cookies, cakes, or any other baked goods, please make sure you're buying fair trade!
11. Cashews

Buying American-made products is always the best option if you want to ensure quality! Not only do these taste great, but you're helping out the economy as well!
Please watch this heartbreaking video if you're interested in how to STOP child labor!
And please SHARE these fair trade products with all of your friends and family to spread awareness!
By SHARING, you could save a life!