For four days, a photographer sat hidden among the trees in the Bavarian Forest National Park. Not far away, a mama bear and her two cubs were doing the same thing.
Photographer Ingo Gerlach is particularly fond of brown bears and patiently waited for the trio to show themselves so he could capture the perfect picture. The only problem? Brown bears are very good at keeping themselves hidden.
Getting a decent photograph of the big furry beasts is quite a feat due to their ability to camouflage into their surroundings, but Gerlach was determined. His patience was eventually rewarded, as he captured some great snapshots of the bears.
But one of these photos has had the internet completely stumped.
Gerlach was able to take a photo of Luna, the mama bear, using her impressive camouflage skills. Can you spot her amongst the trees?
Scroll through below to try your hand at finding this camouflaged mama, and let us know if you were able to spot her in the comments!
[H/T: Daily Mail]

In the thick brush of the Bavarian National Park, a mama bear named Luna is showing her young cubs the ropes.
Not far away is a photographer named Ingo Gerlach, hoping to catch a glimpse of the brown bears' everyday activities.

It may be difficult to see, but if you look very closely, Luna is visible in this photograph.
Brown bears are particularly good at staying hidden when they want to be.
When you think you've found her, click the image below to see if you're right!

Were you able to spot Luna hiding among the trees?

Female brown bears only reproduce once every three years since their cubs rely on them for about two-and-a-half years before they can strike out on their own.
Catching a mama bear with her cubs on camera is a magical sight.

One of the most important things a mama brown bear can teach her cubs is the importance of hide-and-go-seek.
Using their surroundings, young brown bears can protect themselves from larger predators or sneak up on smaller prey.

We are so happy Gerlach had the patience to wait around for these camera-shy bears to show their cute faces.
Hopefully he drops in on plenty more games of hide-and-seek in the future!
Were you able to spot Luna in the trees?
Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to SHARE with friends and family to see if they can find her!