No mom should have to live through the experience of saying goodbye to her child.
However, in some tragic cases, children leave this world earlier than their parents, and the family members left behind have to do whatever they can to make that transition a peaceful one.
That was certainly the case for one mom, Sarah Danbury, in Lincolnshire, U.K., who sat by teenage daughter Amy's bedside, day in and day out, as the 19-year-old underwent treatments for chemotherapy.
But then, Danbury saw something remarkable — something that made her rethink her perspective on Amy's struggle, and gave her a tiny sliver of hope for her daughter.
Amy passed away one October, but three weeks before she left this world, she and her mom posed together for a photo in her hospital room.
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Danbury believes that the photo may have captured something otherworldly, an angelic being keeping a close eye on Amy throughout her final day.
Scroll through below to see the image and judge for yourself.
This article originally appeared on LittleThings in 2016.

Sarah Danbury, a mother of three from Grantham, U.K., found herself in a heartbreaking position last year.
Her daughter, Amy, was in treatment for a rare and aggressive form of cancer, and her battle was coming to an end.
But three weeks before Amy passed, Danbury captured a photo of her daughter with what appears to be an angelic form made of light hovering over her shoulder.

Amy, just 19 years old, was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer called fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma.
In September of last year, she was in the hospital undergoing treatments when she and Mom decided to snap a quick selfie.
When they looked at the photo moments later, Amy said, “It's my guardian angel.”

The brave teen passed away just three weeks after the spectacular photo was taken from complications of her disease.
Her rare cancer caused tumors the size of tennis balls to grow in her abdomen.
By early October, her condition was deteriorating rapidly, and Amy passed away on October 6.

In the months leading up to her death, she fought hard and never let her spirit dim.
Even as she struggled through treatments, she still took part in her mom's wedding to her now-husband, Adrian Danbury.
As her mom, Sarah Danbury, explained to Daily Mail, "She was such a brave girl. She wasn't one to sit there crying, she was so strong-minded and a real fighter."

Danbury also explains that Amy's grandfather was going through cancer treatments at the same time, and the two of them helped each other through the experience.
Her mom notes, "They always used to help each other through it. That's one of the things I will always remember about Amy — she was such an inspirational girl and fought to the end."
Amy's grandad passed away in March, just six months before Amy.

When Danbury looks at that last photo with her daughter, she can't help but think that maybe someone was looking out for Amy right until the very end.
Danbury says it's a comfort to think that, at such a difficult time, a higher power may have been watching out for her daughter.
“It gives me comfort seeing that picture because it makes me think there was someone there with Amy looking after her knowing it was coming to her time, you just don't know.”

What do you see when you look at this picture? Is this a guardian angel coming to keep an eye on Amy?
We can't help but secretly wonder if Granddad was keeping an eye on his sweet granddaughter from beyond.
Do you believe in guardian angels? Let us know in the comments and watch the video below to learn more about fibrolamellar cancer. Don't forget to SHARE with friends and family.