He Tries To Attack This Woman—And Gets What He Deserves. WOW.

If you've ever wondered the importance of self-defense, this video is all you need to see; knowing how to defend yourself in a sticky situation could make all the difference.

Here, we meet a tough guy and equally tough girl, and while the beginning of this video may be a little shocking, just wait until the end. The guy is getting physical with her — slamming her to the ground in a "playful" wrestling match. But this girl isn't going down without a fight.

It's a good thing she knows how to defend herself, and has been trained in jiu jitsu. In fact, this makers of this video said they filmed this "help the grappling and jiu jitsu community grow. To help with self defense awareness and how important it is! We believed it was important to share it with the world to show importance of Martial arts and how and when you might need it!"

You go, girl! And you've totally inspired me to take a self-defense class of my own. Please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!

P.S. We love stories about strong women. Check out what this brilliant woman did when she called 911 to order pizza.