Woman Finds The Figure Of Jesus On The Cross In Her Ultrasound

Parents get their first look at their baby when they go for their first ultrasound. They watch the baby's growth over the course of nine months by going to several ultrasound appointments, and see how the baby is developing. And sometimes, the parents catch some pretty unusual things at these appointments — babies move in the womb, and some of their gestures are hilarious, to say the least! One baby decided to hit himself while his parents were watching, and another gave thrilled parents the peace sign!

Mom-to-be Aley Meyer thought that everything looked well with her baby when she received an ultrasound picture from her pre-natal checkup. She even showed if off to her friends at her baby shower. But one friend caught a very unusual figure on the picture, and pointed it out to Meyer.

It was the outline of what appeared to be Jesus on the cross.

Needless to say, Meyer was stunned. She hadn't noticed it before, but sure enough, there it was on the right-hand side of the photo. She says that she even sees the outline of Jesus's hair and his crossed feet!

The mom is persuaded that this appearance is a sign from above. She has been concerned that the medicine she takes to manage her Crohn's Disease is hurting her baby boy, but now she thinks this is a sign that everything is going to be OK.

Please SHARE if you think this is truly a divine sign!