Christofer Hatcu, a customer service manager for American Airlines, was finishing up his shift at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport when he noticed a passenger on the ground.
The man was Paul Gonnelli, and he had gone into cardiac arrest.
Although many people would have mistaken his medical emergency for a heart attack, Christofer knew what to do. He used CPR to get his heart pumping again until paramedics arrived.
As soon as they arrived, they received the word that another passenger several gates away had suffered a heart attack. They had to rush to his side too — and asked Christofer to come with them!
By being in the right place at the right time, the manager was able to assist in saving not just one life, but two, both in the same day!
He was later awarded for his heroism by American Airlines, who even gave him a cape. Without him, neither of the passengers would have survived.
For Christofer, the award is just a bonus: the real reward is seeing Paul, the first man he saved, alive and well! As a former volunteer firefighter, saving people appears to be his calling, no matter what position he finds himself in.
Please SHARE if you think being able to perform lifesaving techniques, such as CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, is valuable no matter what your profession!