Tough Mechanics Take Apart A Car To Save A Scared Little Kitten

You might not think of mechanics as life-savers, but for one stuck kitten these mechanics definitely were! They went above and beyond the call of duty to save a trapped baby who was stuck and scared inside of a car!

A customer brought her car into the dealership saying she kept hearing a cat meow somewhere inside but couldn’t quite find the cat. Mind you, this customer had driven over an hour to the dealership with the meowing, so this cat was hidden pretty well and not coming out!

The mechanics checked just about everywhere, and couldn’t find the cat. After putting the car on the lift for a deeper inspection, they discovered the cat was deeply embedded behind the wheel duct. It’s amazing the cat was still alive and totally fine after that long drive! Instead of giving up, they took the car apart to get the cat out. Thank goodness they did everything they could to save this kitten's beautiful life!

After this live-saving procedure, they named the cat “Sonata” for the type of car she was found in. And to make matters even more heartwarming, the family adopted the car-loving cat on the spot, giving this story a truly happy ending. It really doesn't get much better than that!

You have to see this amazing rescue, and please SHARE if you're proud of this group of men for trying so hard to save a life!