Teen Hides Pregnant Belly Under Graduation Gown. 40 Years Later A Man Calls, Says He’s Her Son

In the spring of 1974, high school senior, Tish Myatt, found herself in a terrifying situation – she was pregnant. When graduation day came, Tish walked out in front of the audience to receive her diploma, her white gown flowing loosely, concealing her bulging tummy perfectly.

On November 29th, she gave birth to a little boy. She caught one glimpse of him before he was put up for adoption, and that was the last time she saw him.

40 year passed, and Robby Gilbert, an offensive line coach at Tucker High School, seemed content with his life, until his adoptive mom passed away in 2013. He decided it was time to search for his real mom. And he found her. With the punch of a few numbers, the two connected over a phone call and decided to meet the following weekend.

"It was incredibly sweet. I just – never in 40 years did I think this day would ever come." Tish explains. "And to hear him talk to me was just incredible – an amazing gift."

But Tish couldn't wait that long. So unbeknownst to Robby, Tish planned out a surprise visit with the help of her new daughter-in-law.

On Friday, October 24th, 2014, Robby was in the middle of coaching a football game, when he spotted a woman standing next to his wife. As he made the connection, a huge smile spread across his face. Then he walked over and wrapped his weeping mom in a comforting embrace.

The two went on to introduce each other to their families, quickly realizing how well everyone clicked! She not only gained a new son and daughter, but also two grandchildren.

"Words don't even do it justice, to be honest. It's amazing. It's unbelievable. It's just an awesome time. You feel so blessed." says Robby. He then had her back to spend Thanksgiving with his family. She was also able to watch him take his first step over the hill on his 40th birthday.

If watching this family reunite touched your heart, please SHARE their story with your family and friends!