Ah, going out to the movies. It sounds like a fun idea, right? What could be better than taking an evening off from work, kids, and life's stressors to go see a flick on the big screen?
But believe it or not, there are actually right and wrong ways to watch a movie, even though it seems like all you have to do is sit down and keep your eyes open.
Think of how many people come through a single movie theater in a day. Tons. Dozens. Hundreds or thousands, even, depending on where you live. When you put that many people in one space, common courtesy becomes a bigger deal than ever, especially in an environment where everyone is trying to pay attention to the same thing.
These 16 things should never, ever be done in a movie theater, no matter who you are. And while I've definitely been guilty of a few in the past, I'll be keeping these in mind next time I take a trip to the movies.
Did we miss anything from our list? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with your fellow film buffs on Facebook.
Thumbnail source: Flickr
1. Arrive Late

There's nothing quite as annoying as having to move aside for late arrivals to find a seat while you're trying to follow the plot of the film. Do your best to get there 5 minutes before the movie begins, at the very latest.
2. Save Seats After The Film Starts

If you save seats during the previews, that's completely acceptable. However, if your friends still haven't arrived once the movie starts, it's probably time to give up those seats out of courtesy to those who have arrived there on time.
3. Leave Your Phone On

If you're not going to turn it all the way off, at least turn it to vibrate in case of an emergency call or text, and turn the brightness of your screen down to the lowest setting. It's incredibly distracting for your fellow moviegoers when you text the entire time.
4. Chew With Your Mouth Open

A lot of movie theater snacks are very crunchy, with popcorn being the most popular and most offensive culprit. Use your basic manners and close your mouth before you chew.
5. Bring Your Baby

Even if you think he or she will sleep through the whole thing, that is most likely not the case. The rest of the audience didn't spend their money to listen to a crying, shouting baby for 90 minutes.
6. Open Your Candy During A Crucial Scene

Get all of your snacks prepped during the previews, even if you're not planning on getting to them until the second act. All that crinkling can really ruin the whole film for the rest of us.
7. Discuss What's Happening

Keep all of your brilliant thematic and character development theories to yourself until you and your companion leave the theater. Enjoy the film in the moment!
8. Put Gum On The Bottom Of The Seat

This stands true for everything, everywhere, but the movie theater seems to be a real hub for seat gum. Just put it in a gum wrapper and toss it in the trash when you're done.
9. Share Your Germs

If you're sick in a noisy way — sniffles, coughing, or sneezing — be kind and wait until the cold is gone to enjoy your film. This way, you get less people sick, and you don't cause a disturbance.
10. Put Your Feet Up

If you're in a near-empty theater and your shoes aren't a muddy mess, there can be an exception to this rule. But if there is someone sitting in that seat, they certainly don't want you kicking them the whole time.
11. Touch The Underside Of The Seat

The undersides of the seats don't often get a wipe down. Try to keep your hands off.
12. Skip Hand Sanitizer

First and foremost, you want to remember to bring your hand sanitizer to use after touching all the armrests, door handles, and snack countertops. Hand sanitizer is key for any high-traffic public space!
13. Leave Your Trash

The ushers at movie theaters have enough accidental messes to clean up without rude people leaving their trash on the floor or in the cup holders, when it would be just as easy to carry the containers to the garbage. Courtesy really does go a long way.
14. Spill And Walk Away

If you do accidentally spill your soda or your snacks all over the floor, tell an usher on your way out so that he or she can clean it up sooner rather than later. That way it won't be as much of a dried up, sticky mess for them to clean. Plus, the next moviegoers won't have to step through your puddle.
15. Put Your Bag On The Floor

Between all the spills, sticky sodas, crumbs, and general germs, it's better to keep it on your lap or on an empty seat next to you, if there is one.
16. Leave Without Acknowledging The Staff

These folks work hard to make your experience as pleasant as possible. A simple smile or even a "have a nice night" will do just fine.
Are you guilty of any of these offenses? Did we miss anything from our list? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook.