Suicidal Teen Grabs Controls Of A Plane With 5 Passengers And Sends It Into A Nosedive

Four passengers on a small Alaskan plane had to subdue a teen passenger who lunged for the controls and nearly crashed the plane.

Alaska State Troopers say that the 18-year-old passenger, Jaden Lake-Kameroff, asked the pilot about sitting in the empty copilot seat during the flight. The pilot, Joshua Kersch, said no, not knowing the teen would later try to gain control of the plane.

When the teen made the move, the small aircraft was about 5 miles out from the airport — between just 1,000 to 1,500 feet in the air. Lake-Kameroff was charged with terroristic threatening in the second degree, five counts of attempted assault in the first degree, and four counts of assault in the third degree, with possible federal charges, pending an investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Note: If you or any of your loved ones are struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can always reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 1-800-273-8255. They are available 24/7 by phone or online chat.

Pilot Joshua Kersch was flying five people from Bethel to Aniak when an incident occurred on board. Alaskan State Troopers say that 18-year-old Jaden Lake-Kameroff asked to sit in the empty copilot seat at the beginning of the flight, but he was told no.

About 10 miles before landing, Lake-Kameroff asked the pilot if he could take control of the plane and fly it. Again, he was told no. The Cessna Caravan was 5 miles out from landing when Jaden got up from his seat and grabbed control of the yoke.

The passengers worked together to help subdue the teenager. The pilot was able to regain control and right the plane's course after it was in a virtual nosedive. Thankfully, no one was injured.

Upon landing, troopers arrested Lake-Kameroff and charged him with terroristic threatening in the second degree, five counts of attempted assault in the first degree, and four counts of assault in the third degree. The Federal Aviation Administration is currently determining whether federal charges will be filed.

Other passengers noted that Lake-Kameroff seemed to have anxiety before the flight. He was allegedly looking to take his life after he said he tried to get help and it didn't work. Passengers were sympathetic, but they also feared for their lives during the incident.