Players from 44 states in the country are all gearing up to win the biggest jackpot in the history of the Powerball lottery. While all of us are well aware of just how slim the odds are of actually winning this gigantic sum of money, it certainly doesn't hurt to daydream just a little bit!
Perchance you find yourself matching all of the winning lotto numbers as well as the Powerball come Saturday night, you'll be one of the few people on this planet who truly can call themselves "lucky." Just like the man who won the lottery on live television, you'll be left utterly speechless if you somehow manage to beat the odds and win $800 million!
Of course, after Uncle Sam takes his cut, you'll be left with considerably less than that, but you probably won't be complaining! The main thing to focus on in case you win is to figure out what exactly you'll do with your new windfall. We've all heard about those people who end up going bankrupt within five years of winning the lottery, so one of the main things you should probably do is get yourself a smart accountant who knows how to deal with big winners like you!
So even though you have a better chance of getting hit by lightening while drowning because a shark bit you than you do of winning the lotto, hey, you never know! It turns out "the secret" is nothing more than dumb luck, but one thing is for sure: you have to play! I'm going to go to the gas station to get one random ticket tonight!
Please SHARE this video if you know exactly what you would do if you win the lottery!