Prison Inmates Do Something Incredible For Shelter Dogs In Need Of Homes

A few years ago, a group of North Carolina dog trainers from Monty's Home got together and decided it would be beneficial to train shelter dogs before adopting them out. The trainers were granted the rights to enlist shelter dogs in an eight-week training course led by prison inmates looking for more direction as they served their time. After the training was complete, families would be waiting to adopt the dog. Thus, "Second Chances," The Pawsitive Partners Prison Program was born.

t first, the Program was all about saving dogs — but the more the folks at Monty's Home saw the program working in action, they realized the program was also a rehabilitation for the humans inside the prison walls. In the video below, you'll see a graduation ceremony in which the inmates walk down the aisle with their graduating dog. Then, the inmates hand the leash over to the forever families in a simple yet powerful gesture. The families and inmates hug and embrace, as they were strangers with opposite backgrounds who are now tied together by one wonderful dog. The dogs join their forever family with basic commands and skills in place, thanks to the dedicated inmates.

My heart was so touched when one of the inmates says his family bond is actually strengthening while he's in prison. His parents take comfort in seeing their son get through his time with purpose and happiness.

Second Chances has become the largest and most successful canine rescue/prison training program in the state of North Carolina. It's 100% volunteer staffed, has a 100% adoption rate and receives no local, state or federal funding.

Do you think more prisons across the country would benefit from a program like this? Let us know, and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!