Prisoners In The Philippines Join Together For Incredible Michael Jackson Choreography

Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in the Philippines has become quite the internet sensation over the past decade or so.

Their first video ever posted has almost 60 million views, even though it was never really meant for entertainment purposes. Byron Garcia, a security consultant for the prison, originally uploaded the videos to YouTube to show other prisons how he was implementing exercise and positive, organized activity within his prison walls. But then, as it often happens, the internet caught on and it went viral.

In this video, the inmates were visited by Michael Jackson's longtime choreographer, Travis Payne, as well as dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid, to learn choreography from This Is It, the documentary about Jackson.

The inmates rehearse for hours a day to get these moves just right. Many of these inmates are behind bars for serious crimes, but they're learning how to be a part of community through these dance classes. Prisons should foster a positive sense of community, and aim to improve the lives of those inside so they can someday, possibly, re-enter and contribute to society.

When the first group of inmates comes out in a V-formation, I was already impressed.

But then, I was not expecting what was to come next. This is truly incredible, not only as a dance, but as a testament to positivity in potentially hostile environments.

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