Elephants are well-known for being some of the most intelligent and sensitive creatures in the animal kingdom.
They love playing together, or with interspecies friends like these birds, and they’re notorious in popular folklore for their long memories. While their aptitude for recollection has never been proven, if elephants do remember everything, one herd in India is going to have an amazing story to tell for many years to come.
A herd of 25 to 30 elephants was on its way through the village of Chikkapalle Thanda in Southern India one night when a 1-year-old calf disappeared. He had fallen into an uncovered dry well, and was stranded 30 feet down at the bottom of the pit, not unlike this similar situation last year.
Unable to find the baby, the desperate herd trampled fields searching for him, while the calf woke the villagers with his cries. He wasn’t hurt, just scared, but they knew they had to find a way to free him.
Watched by the anxious herd of adult elephants, the villagers set about excavating the side of the well with a digger. The process took four hours, but eventually they were able to create a gentle slope for the calf to climb.
When he finally emerges, frightened but safe, the crowd lets out a cheer, and help to herd him away from the edge of the pit. There’s no footage of the waiting herd, but the Daily Mirror reports that the baby was successfully reunited with his loving family.
If this baby’s sweet rescue and reunion tugged at your heartstrings, please SHARE on Facebook for the animal-lovers in your life!