It's often hard to make a New Year's resolution, especially if you're the type of person who happens to easily break them. Which is fairly common. In fact, it's probably why many resolutions remain the same year after year.
These resolutions may come from a place where you want to better yourself, but it doesn't mean they're actually healthy. "Lose weight" is a big one. Does losing weight provide some health benefits? Of course. But it's also a good way to make yourself feel guilty or even develop a not-so-healthy view of food and exercise. Weight is something we criticize ourselves for quite often — especially within the last few years, when so many standard routines fell apart based on no fault of our own.
There are far better resolutions to make that are far more positive. For example, even rephrasing "lose weight" to "incorporate more fruit and veggies into my diet" makes it even better. It's no longer a put-down but a healthy step forward.
Resolutions can also be mentally healthy. You can resolve to allow more time for yourself — a task that seems easy enough to complete but often isn't. Here are some good resolutions along those lines to help you get started.
1. Take More Baths

Not all people have a good bathtub, but even a small one can provide a lot of stress relief with the right materials. To start, you can look for fun bath bombs. If you're a bit sore, items like Epsom salts or even magnesium flakes (a personal favorite) might be just what you need.
Baths are comforting in many ways. For many, it can soothe nerves after a particularly tough and stressful day. It can also help if you struggle from insomnia.
"Baths help many people sleep well," Amy Zack, MD, explained to The Cleveland Clinic. "They also create a good environment for meditation, thought and escape from everyday stressors."
Baths are also a good place to temporarily escape. Turn on some music, bring in a book, and make the most of it.
2. Read More Books

Speaking of books, it might be time to dust off your Kindle and see what's available in the lending library. A lot of people might assume that they don't like reading, but that might be because they haven't found their genre of preference.
Just because a book isn't a New York Times bestseller doesn't mean it's not worthy of a read. Stop focusing on books other people tell you to read and peruse titles that are more your speed. The act of reading is a great way for your mind to take a mini vacation. It's also a great way to expand both your brain and your vocabulary.
Love reading but can never find the time? Ask your friends or colleagues if they'd be interested in setting up a book club. Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of accountability to complete a goal.
3. Buy a Fun New Beauty Product Every Month

Do you need beauty products? Of course not. You're beautiful just as you are. That said, they can be a lot of fun to play with — and they might be able to boost your confidence on days you need it most.
By limiting this resolution to one item, you're able to treat yourself monthly with something you might have talked yourself out of. But you're not allowing it to become a huge habit that'll put a big dent in your finances. You're just reminding yourself that you work hard and deserve nice treats every once in a while.
There are also monthly subscription boxes like Birchbox that are affordable and fun and will get you excited to check your mail again.
4. Meditate Daily

By now, there's a good chance you've heard that meditation is a great way to settle down. But it's also a wonderful way to feel one with your body. By focusing on breathing and shutting down distracting technology around you, you can find peace.
According to Healthline, meditation can help alleviate stress, control anxiety, and promote self-awareness. And it doesn't need to take a lot of time. Plenty of meditation practices are less than five minutes long. It's a resolution you can stick with regardless of your workload and typical schedule.
Don't know where to start? There are some great meditations on Apple Fitness Plus. You can also ask Alexa to "play a guided meditation" to get started. YouTube also has plenty of great meditations to follow along with.
5. Take More Walks

Don't focus on distance and calories burned. Instead, focus on how your body feels after going outside and touring the neighborhood. Walks don't have to be long — even 10 minutes outside can be an improvement.
While you're on a walk, you can also catch up on a podcast you've been meaning to listen to, or simply play music you like. If you're a parent, it can be a nice break to feel like "you" again, especially if your life's soundtrack has morphed into songs you hear on Disney Junior.
Walking is also a great way to clear your mind. Need to think hard about a big life decision? Go outside, get your body moving, and let yourself really focus. With time, you'll see yourself grow stronger in more ways than you think.
6. Reach Out to Friends

A phone call can be a powerful thing. Unfortunately, a lot of us stopped making time for them. Reaching out to your friends is incredibly important, especially these last few years. Not everyone is doing great, and perhaps just hearing your voice will help them out.
The same is true for you. Good friends can help us get out of personal ruts, and sometimes just planning a video chat with your closest pals can make a world of difference. Find time to laugh, joke, and remember the humor in things.
Texting is also good, especially if it's someone you haven't spoken to in over a year. There's nothing wrong with saying, "Hi, I've been thinking about you." Life is short, and it's important to communicate with people we care about.
7. Drink More Water

It's incredible to think about how better you'll feel if you just drank a little more water. And these days, it's easy to do so. You can invest in a cute tumbler to help the process move forward or just buy some canned water if you're the type of person who normally grabs a soda from the fridge for a refreshing beverage.
"Lack of water can lead to dehydration — a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions," writes Mayo Clinic. "Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired." Give it a try this year, and see if you feel better.
Next time you're thirsty, try swapping a caffeinated beverage for a water or an herbal tea and see how you feel.
8. Write a Book

If you're into writing, you might have heard of NaNoWriMo — which is short for National Novel Writing Month. Writers are challenged to take on a novel within the span of a month. Why not make that goal last a full year?
Everyone has a story inside of them, and writing can be incredibly soothing. Try writing for yourself and not worrying about a possible audience. It can be a novel, a set of short stories, or even a screenplay. Just get something on paper and see what happens. It's a great way to feel creative and learn what you're truly capable of.
9. Join a Class

It can be anything — in-person or remote. It can have a live instructor or be pretaped digital classes, much like the MasterClass series. There's a class for everyone out there, and it's worth it to learn something new.
When you have a busy life, it can be hard to make time for potential new hobbies. As people, we're always growing — so it's important to take the step forward and learn new things. Every opportunity can be life-changing. Maybe you'll meet your new best friend in class — or just learn so much about a craft that you'll be inspired to start your own business page on Etsy.
Focus on one thing this year, and create time for it. You'll be thankful you did.
10. Compliment Yourself Once Every Day

It's way too easy to be down on yourself — especially if life isn't really going your way right now. Maybe you're stuck at a job that doesn't appreciate you, or maybe you just hate every piece of clothing you own. If you have kids, it's possible that current closures with school are starting to put a lot of pressure on you.
Chances are, you're a good person — and you've made it this far. But it might not help hearing it from me as much as it would if you told yourself these things. Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and compliment yourself on something — even if it was simply getting out of bed early for an appointment. The more positivity you surround yourself with, the better you'll be able to see what you're really capable of.
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