Mom Gets A Special Delivery From Her Daughter. But The Real Surprise? Unforgettable!

Get ready to cry during this magical moment. If you live far away from your mom, you can probably relate to Laura.

Teleflora continues to make us cry by bringing us real stories about real moms who inspire their children. After I watched Ryan, a Navy commander, surprise his mom, I didn't think my heart could take much more.

Then Laura came along and changed all of that. Laura and her mother are both as dedicated to their work as they are to each other.

Though they were far apart, they'd never fallen out of contact. When Laura asked her mom if she should wait another year to get engaged, her mom gave her sage advice and told her to just go for it. Now that Laura is getting married she is missing her mother even more.

There are so many special moments in planning a wedding. To think that our mothers can't be their to guide us along the way can be heartbreaking.

Laura missed her mom during one really pivotal moment so Teleflora decided to help.

The moment you see mom's face in shock, awe and pure joy, you'll bawl like a little baby.

SHARE if this video made you tear up or think of your mom.